Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Save While You’re Spending: teapigs. For tea pigs like me.

Student life, it's a stressful one. Deadlines, drama, dating, the stress just pours in from all sides. For me, my therapy comes pouring out of a teapot, over a long chat with my friends/personal therapists. Whilst this is a lot cheaper than paying for an actual therapist or life-guru, my inability to deal with stress is burning a hole in my pocket.

Whilst thinking of New Year resolutions and ways of saving a few extra pennies, I realised I could pour my own therapy, in the comfort of my own home, for a fraction of the cost AND without compromising on my fancy tea tastes! (Now that’s a lot of positives…)

My usual haunts offer a huge teapigs selection, and luckily for me, I can also get hold of their teas at home without a big mark-up on the price of a cup of tea!

When I say there is a huge teapigs selection, I'm not exaggerating, I've counted 22 different blends on offer. 
22 tea blends. That means you can dedicate one particular taste to any and every mood, craving, and panic-inducing situation. With some left over for tea parties or nights in front of the telly.

When looking for comfort, I usually pick the Christmas-reminiscent, spicy sweetness of a chai latte, which gives me the warm fuzzies all over. I decided to try out the chai tea latte from teapigs, to see how it compared to the ones made by the pros in the teashops. And then I took pictures with my hipstamatic app, just 'cos. 

Using a fancy glass mug to capture the tea-making magic, I let the teabag brew in hot water, while I acquainted a measure of hot milk with a milk frother. The results were spectacular. At that point all I had to do was put everything together- as easy as 1,2,3.

(The shortest how-to section to date, a testament to how easy it is to get fancy drinks in the simplest of student kitchens. or any kitchen for that matter.)

With that, there was nothing to stop me from fixing:

1. My "after dinner dessert tea", featuring the Rooibos Crème Caramel.

2. A "It's too warm in bed and too cold outside" Spiced Winter Red.

3. And finally, a "I'm on a diet, but I really need some chocolate" Chocolate Flake Tea.

Told you, teapigs really have got a tea for everything. As well as all the equipment you need to fix them "Fancy Teashop" style. And you don't even need to question how much money you're saving with a DIY cuppa, because they break down the prices for you on their website.

 Need I go on? Does it get any better than this?

Well, yes, because any readers out there looking to make a purchase of delicious teapigs tea get 
15% off their orders with "BLOGGERS12" until the end of the month.

Tired, stressed and strapped for cash tea lovers- You. Are. Welcome.


  1. heyy sweety :) nice post, love it..

    lets follow each others blog!! i hope we can be friends <3
